AndisheCo GmbH
Eiffestr. 74
۲۰۵۳۷ Hamburg

Company Information

Creditreform no.: 2152040157

Register number: HRB 175073
AndisheCo GmbH has its registered office in Hamburg, Germany. Its current status is listed as active. The company is registered at the Trade register at the local court of Hamburg with the legal form of Private limited company (number HRB 175073). The Trade register entry was last updated on Apr 29, 2022. One director currently runs the company: 1 manager. The quota for women’s representation on the management board of AndisheCo GmbH is 100 percent. The company reports contain information on the company’s ownership structure and its shareholder. The
company has one location. The company report was last updated on May 10, 2022.
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